Thursday, May 6, 2010


HMM, boys and girls.
What do you think about DRIVING?
Driving is pretty annoying to me nowadays but what keeps me from falling asleep while driving is. .


Oh yes, shifting the gear stick. What i'm talkin about here is a manual car.
Each time i get in to the car, what i do is start the engine, the stereo, aircon and thn step on the clutch.
I would always love to dump the clutch and do loads of wheel spin but i guess if i do that, not only will my car be wheel spinning but my dad would be spinning my head for spoiling the clutch and burning the tyres. :D
But anyways, after driving for a couple of months now, my goal is to keep fuel consumption as LOW as possible. :D
Hmm, would always shift gears at around 3k REV. I think for a Proton, that would be the most economical. If you're with bigger displacement engines, probably lower. :D
AHH, the joy of trying to save fuel and the environment. :P

For ppl who don't know how a gear stick looks like. ;D

Monday, May 3, 2010

Videoing at Lakeside !

Hi everyone..
Sorry bout the blog.. FNBE's students are kinda busy in this few weeks !!
Arrgghhh !!! ASSIGNMENT !!! 

Anyway... during a week of holiday~  our group have made some video shooting for our Creative Thinking Skill Assignment. XD

so enjoy some pictures that i uploaded!! 

Also !! not to forget to visit us at the Taylor's Lakeside on the 28th of May 2010 ( if i not mistaken ). There will be an exhibition. It shud be FUN !! XD so plss do come and visit us ~ =D

Before Filming :

the evil mortal Carrine !!

Sara !!

Caroyln & Carrine

Vandalism !!

Want to know more bout us ??
so scroll down


Coming Soon

Gotcchhaaa ~

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lakeside Campus

Well, no for me.
I used to think LCS was a bad place to be. Because I guess I was in a new environment and everything was different.
When I first walked in LCS i thought, hey, this place looks nasty.
Little did i know that LCS had bookstores, stationary shops, restaurants that would all make the place so lively.
So whats wrong with the new campus?
Want me to show you?

Okay, maybe nothing is wrong with this photo.
But But. .
The worst thing about this place is. .
Okay, I've been here like a couple of times and its filled with cars.
Nothing really bothers me except the fact that it takes me almost 20 minutes to find a parking and a couple of minutes for to reach class.
Yea, so mates, be early for classes.
AND oh, the vending machine swallowed my 2 bucks today.
No 100 plus for me today. :(

AHH, need to adapt to it thn.
Thats all for now.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hard Braking is Heart Breaking

HMM, anyone can guess what i'm about to tell you?
i guess not but here goes anyway.
Let me just give you a clue. :)

Source :

Yea, accidents that involves two cars crashing into each other.

Yea, the story goes like this.
I was on my way to college the other day and i followed my friend to college.
Well, when i said followed, i meant i followed him from behind. He drove and I drove as well.
We weren't really speeding or anything but we were doing around 80 or 90 km/h.
The roads were rather clear that morning, or at least that is what we thought they were.
We were driving and my friend was following this red colour Kenani and i was behind my friend.

the red colour car fella decided to break. HARD. really really HARD.
and you should know what happened next.
My friend braked HARD as well, and so did I.
i HAD the shock of my life. i thought i was gonna smash my car into my friend's car.
I could smell rubber and everything.
But thank God, i did not.
The car managed to stop in time. My brakes did not lock up. And everything was alright.
i wanted to slap the shit outta the guy who braked hard.
Apparently, my friend said that the bunch of fellas in the car was laughing away when my friend gave them the COCK stare. :O

The story did not stop there.
I was on my way back from college the very same day.
And as usual, going towards Old Klang Road.
Same thing happened and i had another shock of my life.
How coincidental is that?

Ahh, the moral of the story is . .
Get a good car.
With fat brakes.
And fat tires.
and PLEASE, be a good driver.

This message is brought to you by,
Ben. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010


now, dancing has always been my passion. last two years, i used to perform a traditional dance for every event in petaling jaya. getting money wasnt really a problem. even thought it was like RM50 per show, at least it was still something. its a start, no? hehe. so, finally i had another feel of a traditional dance performance, once more. it was last saturday. practiced a day before the actual event. it was for my ex school's international understanding day. getting up on that stage, made me feel, happy.. its like, now a days, people tend to not find traditional dances as interesting as the mordern dances. its culture people! & whatever it is, its still our duty to not let our culture fade away. but i was happy that most of the audience were happy with our performance. i think, me and my team did quite a good job, showing people how 'interesting' traditional dances can be (':

here are some photos of last saturday (;

 The before look

The after look

haha. yes yes. i know. whats up with the pose? me and purani here, as you all can see, we ARE posers. she's my junior by the way. nice and very ganas. haha. dont you dare mess with her. she BITES :p hehe. oh well.. back to the dancing thing, i really hope i can find people who are intrested in traditional dances in taylors. its a BIG opportunity to learn something new for a change, no? so, why not right? we, as the future generations of malaysia, must somehow help sustain the importance of traditional dances. woohhoooo

ttfn <3
by A.S

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Essence of life.

We should incorporate all these elements in our lives and practice a healthy lifestyle. As a result, we may be a better person. So, live life to the fullest and love life.

And also try closing one eye or move away from the screen and read this.
